Connecting to people ... the art of speaking in 100 languages … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Knowing a foreign language is excellent.

But how many languages can we learn?!

I am sure that the human being is able to speak 10-12-15 languages if there is a big interest for that.

But is that the secret for connecting to anybody from anywhere in the world?!

An ambasador ... when he goes in a new country ... he tries to learn the language, but also tries to understand how people from that country think, what are their rituals, what is important for them in life etc etc.

He tries to understand the human beings from that part of the world ... with everything defines them.

And pays attention to all the details ... but also respect all those details.

The ambasador knows the art of connecting to people ... which is in fact the art of speaking in 100 languages.

One of the main reasons of unhappiness is generated by the fact we don’t have good relationships with other people ... and this is happening only because we never thought of learning the art of dealing with other human beings.

No one told us that is so damm important.

The final results?!


Lots of conflicts at home, at work, with the neighbors ... and even on the streets.

We have no idea that there is a science called ... management of conflicts.

And we fail so, so many times.

But should we act as a great ambasador?

I saw so many politicians ... that were in fact just idiots, but somehow ... someone learnt them the art of connecting to other people.

Usually they do it in an artificial way ... wanting to get just a short term result ... but our main target should be to have great relationships with anyone ... anytime.

So ... what should we do?!

Why we just don’t have great relationships?!

What we do wrong?!

Well ... we just don’t know to open the heart ... and connect to those people from our lives.

The art of speaking different languages is not enough ... even if you will speak 100 languages ... but connecting to the soul of everyone we interact with ... is the real trick.

Not in an artificial way as an ambasador or any other politician, but as a human being that loves the other human beings.

I saw people that loves animals a lot ... but what if we are brave enough and decide to love the other human beings?!

Maybe there is a message behind the message at the fact that we fail in so many interactions with the others.

... just think about!





Download the book ”Behind the abstract ... there is always a messagewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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