Karmic stories end up ... only when overwhelmed by love … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru ... we practice the acceptance into its absolute form ...

Karmic stories are too difficult to be endured.

And all those karmic characters are much too difficult to be accepted.

... or better said ... digested.

All what is usually happening ... is that we're overwhelmed of the negativity induced of what is happening.

We just repeat ... "Damn it! What had i done wrong to deserve that?!"

... but nobody is listening to us.

Yes ... nobody.

Not even those ... karmic characters.

Today looking back into my past ... i have only one regret ... related to those karmic stories.

I couldn't ask those people ... which were illusory torturing me ... "What do you want?!"

It is ... such a simple question ... and maybe the answer could give me the answers i needed so that i could ... at least



... become aware of the karmic message whispered by the Universe.

So .... the stories continued all the time ... into a stupid way.

... torturing my soul.

And that was happening ... all the time ... day by day ... everyday.

I had the option to stop all.


Disconnect from all the negativity of the story.

And ... with love ... just smile ... and accept all.

In fact ... practice the acceptance into its absolute form.

Unfortunately ... I didn't knew what to do in all those situations ... or had been in sort of a mental blockage ... and I couldn't do anything ... to stop the karmic story.

I strongly believe that ... asking "What do you want?!" ... was an important thing ... but ...

I've lived lots of such experiences.

... never really prepared to act properly on the stage of that story.

So ... all became an illusory drama.

I was just preparing myself... but practicing the acceptance ... was impossible for me.

I just couldn't do it.

Most probably my soul ... was by a long, long time ... blocked ... and couldn't practice any form of ... love.

I had to accept all ... and i knew it.

I had to allow love to overwhelm me ... and i knew it.

But ... i just couldn't do anything.

So ... the final result was to be overwhelmed by negativity.

Yes …


Unfortunately ... in continuous form.

Only ... and only because i was idiot.

Or maybe asking this question ... "What do you want?!" ... was for the Universe ... but i never knew to really make this connection.

I could close my eyes.

... ask for the answers.


And ... then smile in front of all.






Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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